Function to construct a graphic following the aestetics of the other function function of this package from a table
error_low = NULL,
error_upp = NULL,
facet = NULL,
n_var = NULL,
pvalue = NULL,
reorder = F,
show_value = TRUE,
name_total = NULL,
scale = 1,
digits = 2,
unit = "",
dec = ",",
pal = "indianred4",
dodge = 0.9,
font = "Roboto",
wrap_width_y = 25,
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL,
caption = NULL,
theme = NULL
- tab
dataframe with the variables to be ploted.
- var
The variable in tab with the labels of the indicators to be ploted.
- value
The variable in tab with the values of the indicator to be ploted.
- error_low
The variable in tab that is the lower bound of the confidence interval. If either error_low or error_upp is NULL error bars are not shown on the graphic.
- error_upp
The variable in tab that is the upper bound of the confidence interval. If either error_low or error_upp is NULL error bars are not shown on the graphic.
- facet
A variable in tab defining the faceting group, if applicable. Default is NULL.
- n_var
The variable in tab containing the number of observation per for each indicator. Default is NULL, not showing the number of observation on the plot.
- pvalue
The p-value to show in the caption. It can a numeric value or the pvalue object from a statsistical test.
- reorder
TRUE if you want to reorder var according to value. FALSE if you do not want to reorder. Default is FALSE.
- show_value
TRUE if you want to show the values of value on the graphic. FALSE if you do not want to show the proportion. Default is TRUE.
- name_total
Name of the var label that may contain the total. When indicated, it is displayed separately on the graph.
- scale
Denominator of the proportion. Default is 100 to interprets numbers as percentages.
- digits
Numbers of digits showed on the values labels on the graphic. Default is 0.
- unit
The unit showd on the plot. Default is percent.
- dec
Decimal mark shown on the graphic. Default is ","
- pal
Colour of the bars.
- dodge
Width of the bar, between 0 and 1.
- font
Font used in the graphic. See load_and_active_fonts() for available fonts.
- wrap_width_y
Number of characters before going to the line. Applies to the labels var. Default is 25.
- title
Title of the graphic.
- subtitle
Subtitle of the graphic.
- xlab
X label on the graphic. As coord_flip() is used in the graphic, xlab refers to the x label on the graphic, after the coord_flip(), and not to var in tab.
- ylab
Y label on the graphic. As coord_flip() is used in the graphic, ylab refers to the y label on the graphic, after the coord_flip(), and not to value in tab.
Caption of the graphic.
- theme
Theme od te graphic. IWEPS adds y axis lines and ticks.